
Celebration Of 60th Anniversary Of NingboTraditional Chinese M

BY: Edit | Ningbo Herb

Recently, the national small and medium-sized enterprise share transfer system announced the "national small and medium-sized enterprise share transfer system listed companies to terminate listing implementation rules (Draft)" (hereinafter referred to as the draft), listed companies do not disclose the annual report or semi annual report and other 11 situations will be forced delisting, causing strong public concern.

In the future, after the implementation of the detailed rules for delisting, whether the delisting of new third board enterprises will increase significantly, or even lead to "delisting tide", and how to effectively protect the rights and interests of investors are hotly discussed“ With the final implementation of the detailed rules for the termination of listing, the market environment of the new third board will be further optimized, which is beneficial for listed enterprises. " A person in

charge of a new enterprise listed on the third board in the district said. According to the statistics of the district finance office, there are 11 enterprises listed on the new third board in our district at present, of which 2 are newly listed this year, involving manufacturing, trade, service, logistics and other industries. Public information shows that most of the enterprises listed on the new third board in our district are in good operating condition and are on the road of transformation and development with the help of the capital market.

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